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About KMS

A State and Nationally Distinguished Middle School

Solution Tree PLC Model School 2017

One of About 200 Schools and Districts in the US and Canada to Receive This Honor

Kirksey Middle School has been recognized by Solution Tree on a national stage for its sustained success in raising student achievement. The school’s successful implementation of the Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process was a major contributing factor in the improved achievement of its students.

Arkansas Diamond School to Watch

Kirksey Middle School was the first school in the state of Arkansas to be selected as an Arkansas Diamond School to Watch (February 12, 2007). The visitation team unanimously agreed that Kirksey Middle School fits the definition of being a school that is conscientiously moving to fully meet the nationally endorsed criteria of high performing middle schools. To earn this award a school must show marked progress in meeting all the criteria, including measurable gains in student achievement over time. The criteria of a high-performing middle school can be narrowed to three categories:

1) Academic excellence

2) Developmentally responsive

3) Social equity.

KMS is now part of a select cadre of schools across the nation that are designated Schools to Watch. (According to the website there are currently 86 schools across the nation recognized.) We are very pleased to be recognized as a model school in the state and the nation.  

Shannon Wright Award

The Shannon Wright Award has recognized one exemplary middle level program in Arkansas each year since its inception in 1999. The award is presented to a school that demonstrates outstanding achievement in the implementation of the best middle level practices as outlined in the report Turning Points: Preparing American Youth for the 21st Century.The award derives its name from Shannon Wright, a middle school teacher, who died in the tragic Westside Middle School shooting incident in March, 1998. KMS is very proud to be recognized as an outstanding middle school.   

PE 4 Life Academy

The physical education program at Kirksey is a certified PE4LIFE program. To become certified, a school must go through an application process and demonstrate that it combines todays best practices to inspire and educate all students about the vital importance of lifetime physical activity and fitness. Being an Academy means Kirksey will provide training to school and community leaders with the objective of assisting them with the development of PE4LIFE Certified Programs in their communities.   

Arkansas Governor's Council on Fitness

In 2004, Kirksey Middle School was awarded the Governor's Leadership and Fitness Award School of the Year for being "An outstanding individual/ organization that demonstrates a commitment to the promotion of physical activity and health or serves as a role model epitomizing personal health and fitness".   

International Reading Award

The Award of Excellence is presented annually by the International Reading Association to state and provincial associations that have distinguished themselves through organizing and implementing a wide range of programs and activities in their state or province that 
(a) serve and support councils and members 
(b) contribute to education 
(c) coincide with and support the programs and goals of the Association.   

State and Nationally Recognized Staff 

Jim Yurwitz, Physical Education Teacher Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Teacher of the Year, 2004-2005.   LaKeisha Newberry,8th grade Language Arts Teacher 
National Board Certified   Debbie Sall, 6th, 7th and 8th grade Special Education Teacher National Board Certified , 2012

Contact Us

Birch Kirksey Middle School
101 W Price Lane
Rogers, AR 72758
Phone: 479-631-3625
Fax:  479-337-7113

School Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Office Hours:   7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.